Our journey of improvement
Every academy, every leader and every governing body benefit from peer-to-peer support.
Whatever stage your school is at, whether “supporting”, “supportive” or “supported”, sharing best practice and collaborative approaches delivers real results. Roles and responsibilities are clear and well understood.
Our academies are split into three areas, each of which is led by an ‘AGEP’ – Academies Group Executive Principal, whose role is to provide bespoke support and challenge to the Headteachers in that area. Each AGEP is skilled and highly committed, and their support makes a huge difference to our academies, facilitating collaborative working within their group and beyond.
AGEPs are supported by a growing team of subject and aspect ambassadors, who build capacity by offering school-to-school support and making best use of good practice throughout our academies. This approach was highly praised by Ofsted in the Trust’s 2018 Focused Review of DNEAT, where they identify the impact and improvements delivered through this system of support.