Educational art and history project boost for Swaffham Primary children
February 14, 2023

Swaffham Church of England Primary Academy has been working with the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (SCVA) and Swaffham Museum Heritage Collection as part of their History and Art curriculum to explore Egypt and enrich the pupils’ learning about Howard Carter.
Through funding from Arts Council England, the Year 6 children have been able to visit the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich and see the Visions of Ancient Egypt exhibition and our Year 2 and Year 3 classes have been able to work with a professional artist.
SCVA Associate Artist and illustrator Rose Feather visited Swaffham Primary to work with Year 2 and 3 on a story book and illustration activity telling the story of Howard Carter and creating hybrid animal/human illustrations. Both classes have worked as a team to create their own class concertina books.
The Year 2 book tells the story of the discovery of Tutankhamun by British archaeologist, Howard Carter, as the children have been learning about this local hero. Their book contains wonderful illustrations and printing that the children made with Rose Feather.
Sue Gattuso, manager from Swaffham Museum visited the school to talk to the children about Howard Carter and the discovery of the tomb, sharing photos and artefacts.
Mrs Nicola Kaye, Headteacher of Swaffham Church of England Primary Academy said: “This has been an amazing experience for our children. We are very excited and proud that our pupils’ work will be displayed within Swaffham Museum and we are looking forward to continuing the links made through this project.”
Rose Feather worked with our Year 3 class too teaching them how to create a hybrid animal in the style of the ancient Egyptians as well as creating their concertina book based on Howard Carter’s life.
The aim of the funded project is to create cultural partnerships between institutions and build on links between the community and Swaffham Museum.
Artists Rose Feather and Ian Brownlie have developed creative resources to support learning for both primary and secondary schools, that can be used whilst on future visits to the Swaffham Museum Heritage Collection.