Learning about livestock at Mundford Primary
March 27, 2023
The primary school children of Mundford Church of England Primary Academy, part of Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DENAT), have been learning all about keeping sheep during the ‘Learn About Livestock’ week.
Connected to the school curriculum, Mundford’s classes have been carefully looking after a ewe and her lamb while learning about how to design and measure up a sheep enclosure, where wool comes from and how to weave wool and learning from farmers about how to keep sheep.
A pupil from Maple Class said: “We’ve learnt about where wool comes from and what the world would look like without any! We’ve watched videos of real sheep farmers and then learnt about the work that shepherd and shepherdess’ do too!”
A pupil from Cedar Class said: “In art we have been looking at how the pen has changed over time, we linked in with looking at Henry Moore, as he uses biro in his artwork. As a class we went outside and sat with the sheep and sketched them in Henry Moore’s style. In maths we are learning about perimeter, so we measured the perimeter of the sheep pen!”
Mrs Godbold, executive headteacher of Munford Church of England Primary Academy said: “We have very much enjoyed looking after the ewe and her lamb from Melsop Farm and all the children have learnt so much about how to look after sheep during this time. Oak Class enjoyed sharing the sheep with their families at our Mundford Junction this week. They completed a wool printing craft in class then gave the sheep their breakfast. A big thank you to Mrs West who kindly made 30 weaving frames and taught us how to weave and wool wind and to Oak Class teacher, Hannah Keeler and Hazel Class teacher Gemma Jermy who have been leading the project.”