Official Opening of The Community Hub Carbrooke
May 23, 2022
Official Opening of The Community Hub Carbrooke
The Community Hub Carbrooke, a committee of Carbrooke Parish Council, officially opened their doors with HM Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk, The Lady Dannatt MBE, cutting the ribbon on Friday 20th May at 11am.
The Lady Dannatt was greeted from her car by Michael Wormall, chair of the residents committee and parish councillor and one of the instigators of the hub. Cllr. Helen Crane.
The Lady Dannatt was met at the entrance where local school children from St Peter and St Paul’s Carbrooke Academy part of the Diocese of Norwich attended. Edward from reception read a poem that he wrote and Jessica, from Year 5 presented her with a posy of flowers.
After The Lady Dannatt cut the ribbon, Cllr Helen Crane introduced her to members of the community. These included the Fountain of Life Church, who hold a youth club and family church events in the hub. The Little Makers co. (Beccie Stanmore) who bring families and friends together to create and express through art. Meditation for All (Amanda Copson), who creates a calm space and supports mental health. The Warm baby Project, who create items for babies in the area at no charge. In attendance will also be George Freeman Mid-Norfolk MP, Robert de Grey from Westmere Homes Ltd and others that have helped to create the space.
The Community Hub was gifted to the Parish Council from the housing developers, Westmere Homes, as part of their section 106 planning obligations. The keys were handed over to Carbrooke Parish Council in January for the community. It has been a project in the making for the past four years. Creating a place where all the community can meet and use safely has been a vital part of the vision.
The Lady Dannatt MBE said she was delighted to open the Community Hub which is central to the community and meet the committee who set it up as well as local business and people who are using it.
George Freeman MP said: “Blenheim Grange has faced a number of infrastructure problems in the years since its construction and that’s why I am absolutely delighted to be attending the official opening of the Community Hub – the culmination of hours of tireless hard work and effort by the Blenheim Grange Residents Association, local councillors and supporters. Having visited residents several times when all they had was a donated, second-hand shipping container in which to meet, I am so proud of the tremendous local effort that has made this vision a reality. What a wonderful achievement!”
Cllr. Helen Crane Breckland District Councillor, Saham Toney Ward and from Volunteer Norfolk said: “The Community Hub has been a vision for Carbrooke Parish for a number of years and has finally come to fruition with the handing over of the keys to a wonderful modern facility. Owned by the Parish council it is run by a voluntary management committee. Thanks must be given to the Parish Councillors past and present who, over a long period of time have sustained the momentum to keep this project alive.”
The Hub gives thanks to everyone who has contributed including the voluntary committee who run the facility, Barratt Homes who donated the cost of a laptop to help connect the community, Tom Clark who donated his time in creating a website and Breckland Council who granted the hub £4999 towards the loop hearing system to make the hub accessible to all.
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